///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // Use this checklist for publishing the IndexedDB spec to ensure consistency // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Get the latest versions of the speclets via Mercurial. 2. Run the build script locally. The Perl script takes the following command: perl build.pl >outputfile.html where outputfile.html is the name of the file you wish to build as. You can build Overview.html if this is an Editor's Draft and then commit that file later, or you can output the file as another name and later save it as Overview.html to commit. If this is a Working Draft, you can save the file with a name formatted as WD-IndexedDB-yyyymmdd at any time in this process. 3. If this is to be an Editor's Draft, the value for "previousMaturity:" in line 18 should be "ED" but if this is to be a Working Draft, the value for "previousMaturity:" in line 18 should be "WD" 4. View the built file in a browser (one in which no errors other than the stylesheet message show in the top right corner). Ensure that all of the sections are there: *Introduction *IDB API *Constructs *Async API *Sync API *Algorithms *Database operations *Privacy *Authorization Ensure that all of the generated aspects of the spec are there: *Table of Contents *WebIDL (if you see one block, they'll all be good) *Notes (if you see one note, they'll all be good) *Issues (if you see one issue, they'll all be good) *Examples (if you see one example block, they'll all be good) *Requirements, Acknowledgements, and References 5. Save the page as a static copy. The ReSpec script uses calls that some browsers (notably IE) does not complete. Open the spec in a browser (one in which no errors other than the stylesheet message show in the top right corner), and then Save As an html page. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // All other changes take place in the source of the static file rather than the speclets or the script-enabled built file // // // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6. Change the DOCTYPE from HTML5 to an PubRules-accepted version of HTML, such as: (Note that for the following, you should leave the